Revenue - Money from customers, Cost of goods sold  (COGS) - direct costs, e.g. materials and labour, Gross profit - profit (or loss) after direct costs, Operating costs - Other costs, e.g. administration, buildings, utilities, Operating profit - Profit (or loss) after direct and other costs, Tax and depreciation - Money paid to the government and loss in value of equipment , Net profit - Profit (or loss) after all costs and taxes , Dividends - Money distributed to shareholders , Retained profit - Money reinvested in the company, Dozen - 12, Pastry and pies - Bakery goods , Assets - What the company owns, Liabilities - What the company owes, Mortgage - A loan from the bank to buy a house , Invoice - A statement listing goods or services provided and their prices, used in business as a record of sale,

Company finance


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