TRUE: Ancient Greece consisted of a mainland and the islands of the Aegean Sea., There were different groups of people but they had a lot of things in common., Knossos was the capital city of Crete., People kept sheep and goats., The summer is very hot and dry with very little rain., People grew grapes and olive trees., Athenians, Spartans and other groups of people spoke Greek., Every group of people took part in the Olympic Games., FALSE: Ancient Greece consisted of a mainland and the islands of the Mediterranean Sea., Crete was the capital city of Knossos., People grew grapes and pineapple trees., People kept cattle and pig., There were different groups of people and they had very little in common., The summer is hot but not dry; there is lots of rain., Only Atheniains spoke Greek., Athenians and Spartans took place in the olympic Games, but Mycenaeans didn't. ,

Unit 2.1 - Legendary Early History of Greece (true or false)


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