1) Have you got _______ milk? a) a b) an c) some d) any 2) No, I haven't. But I've got ______ bottle of apple juice. a) a b) an c) some d) any 3) There are _______ peaches in the fridge. a) a b) an c) some d) any 4) There are _______ butter in the fridge.  a) a b) an c) some d) any 5) There is _______ carton of milk in the fridge. a) a b) an c) some d) any 6) Do you need _______ onions for the soup? a) a b) an c) some d) any 7) There isn't __________ bread in the in the basket. a) a b) an c) some d) any 8) We bought ___________ plastic spoons and forks for the party.   a) a b) an c) some d) any 9) There's _________ flour in the cupboard. a) a b) an c) some d) any 10) There aren't ________ boxes of biscuits.  a) a b) an c) some d) any

Module 5 : a, an, some, any


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