1) What does the unit sound of ate say at the end of a multi-syllable word?  a) it b) ate c) is 2) What does the unit sound of ite say?  a) ite b) it c) ij 3) What two silent e units say /it/ at the end of a multi-syllable word? a) ice and ite b) ate and ite c) ite and age 4) What does unit sound of ice say? a) ij b) able c) er d) is 5) What does the unit sound of age say?  a) ij b) g c) is 6) How can you spell /it/ at the end of a multi-syllable word? a) it b) ate and ite c) ate, ite, and it d) ate and ice 7) How can you spell /ij/ at the end of a multi-syllable word? a) age b) ij and age c) ige, ij and age 8) Turn this word into something yummy to eat. Chocol ___. a) ice b) ate c) age

6.11 Silent e units ... with picture clues


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