1) She is a ... She repairs cars. a) mechanic b) doctor c) builder d) saleswoman 2) He is a ... He treats our teeth. a) mechanic b) dentist c) nurse d) teacher 3) I'm a ... I love my students. a) nurse b) builder c) teacher d) surgeon 4) My father is a/an ... He designs houses. a) tailor b) builder c) actor d) architect 5) A ... looks after the patients. a) nurse b) teacher c) surgeon d) musician 6) Where does a doctor work? a) school b) hospital c) office d) house 7) Jack is a surgeon. He ... on people. a) treats b) looks after c) operates d) teach 8) A chef ... delicious meals at a restaurant. a) eats b) buys c) sells d) cooks 9) Jane is an architect. She works in a/an ... a) office b) school c) hospital d) restaurant 10) Firemen ... fires. They are very brave. a) make b) put out c) treat d) put on 11) My grandpa was a professor in a university. He is ... now. a) builder b) policeman c) retired d) nurse 12) A waitress takes order and ... food and drinks in a restaurant. a) takes b) buys c) sells d) serves 13) A lawyer ... people at the court. a) defends b) judges c) treats d) looks after 14) What do you do for living? a) He plays football. b) I'm an engineer. c) I do my homework. d) She likes reading books. 15) What does he do? a) A vet b) An actress c) A technician d) A farmer 16) A hair dresser can cut and ... your hair. a) dye b) paint c) die d) put 17) Our brave soldiers ... our country. a) attack b) defend c) sit d) make 18) A pilot ... a plane. a) rides b) drives c) flies d) gets on 19) What does he do? a) Barber b) Waiter c) Scientist d) Tailor 20) Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ... a) Thursday b) Tuesday c) Friday d) Saturday 21) Today is Monday. Tomorrow is ... a) Wednesday b) Tuesday c) Thursday d) Sunday 22) This year is ... (2022) a) twenty twelve b) twelve twelve-two c) twenty twenty-two d) twenty-two twenty 23) Next year is ... (2023) a) twelve twelve-three b) twenty twenty-two c) twenty-three twenty d) twenty twenty-three 24) Ataturk was born in ... a) eighteen eighty-one b) sixteen sixty-one c) nineteen eighty-one d) twenty sixty-one 25) Children's Day is on ... a) nineteenth of May b) twenty-third of April c) thirtieth of August d) twenty-ninth of October 26) Republic Day is on ... a) thirtieth of August b) tenth of November c) twenty-ninth of October d) nineteenth of May 27) The last day of the year is ... a) thirtieth of January b) first of January c) first of December d) thirty-first of December 28) What does he do? a) judge b) lawyer c) waiter d) tailor 29) My birthday is on ... (17/03) a) seventieth of March b) seventh of May c) seventeenth of April d) seventeenth of March 30) His birthday is on ... (16/07) a) sixteenth of July b) sixtieth of June c) eighteenth of June d) eightieth of July

6th Grade - Unit 6 - Occupations and Dates


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