1) What do you imagine when you hear the word "summer"? 2) How do you feel when summer arrives? 3) What do you like most about the summer? 4) What do you like least about the summer? 5) What are your plans for the summer? 6) What can you do during summer but not during winter? 7) What's your favorite summer memory? 8) Who are you going to spend your summer holidays with? 9) Where are you going to go in the summer? 10) What is your ideal summer holiday like? 11) Do you eat different food during the holiday? 12) Describe the weather in summer in your city. 13) What are your favourite activities in the summer? Why? 14) What is your favourite summer fruit and vegetable? 15) Do you travel during the summer? Where do you usually go? 16) What clothes do you usually wear in the summer?

Summer holiday - Speaking (A2-B1)


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