1) What is the number 63 written as words? a) sixty-four b) one hundred and sixty c) sixty-three d) six three 2) What is the number 109 written as words? a) one hundred and nine b) nineteen c) one hundred d) one hundred and nineteen 3) What is the number fifteen written as digits? a) 11 b) 15 c) 25 d) 5 4) What is the number seventy written as digits? a) 700 b) 17 c) 7 d) 70 5) What does the digit '4' represent in the number 5438? a) 4 units b) 4 tens c) 4 hundreds d) 4 thousands 6) What does the digit '8' represent in the number 8612? a) 8 units b) 8 tens c) 8 hundreds d) 8 thousands 7) What is 52 + 23? a) 65 b) 75 c) 58 d) 76 8) What is 49 + 12? a) 61 b) 72 c) 51 d) 60 9) What is 45 - 5? a) 50 b) 45 c) 40 d) 35 10) What is 73 - 6? a) 65 b) 70 c) 57 d) 67 11) What is 238 x 6 a) 1289 b) 1428 c) 429 d) 1528 12) What is 543 x 22 a) 11946 b) 12845 c) 1956 d) 10945 13) What is 58 ÷ 4? a) 14 r 3 b) 12 r 2 c) 14 r 2 d) 11 r 3 14) Which of the following options is the fraction 1/2 equivalent to? a) 2/2 b) 1/3 c) 2/4 d) 6/8 15) What is 1/4 added to 1/2? a) 1/4 b) 8/10 c) 3/4 d) 3/8


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