Celebrating or even congratulating someone on a birthday before the day arrives brings bad luck in Russia  - Do you believe it or not? Why?, The infinite reflections may look cool, but in Mexico and elsewhere facing mirrors open a doorway for the devil. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Poking chopsticks down into your food is a big no-no in Japan. The utensils look like the incense sticks used at funerals. Another tip: Don't point your chopsticks at anyone. That's just plain rude. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Gifting anything with a blade can supposedly sever a relationship, so if you receive a knife set or a pair of scissors as a present, give the person a coin in return. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, A Filipino tradition called "pagpag" dictates that people never go straight back to the house after a funeral. Otherwise a bad spirit might tag along and come inside. Mourners will make a stop at a restaurant or store first just in case. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Whistling while you work may be an issue in Lithuania where it's forbidden to whistle indoors because the noise is believed to summon demons. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, A German superstition declares that if you cheers with water you're actually wishing death upon the people you're drinking with. The idea stems from Greek mythology. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, According to Japanese superstition, sleeping with your head to the north is bad luck because that's how the deceased are laid to rest. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Africa, if you sleep with your head to the west, you will have bad luck. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Britain, it's considered bad luck because to put shoes on the table because it is supposed to symbolize the death of a loved one. Back in the day, placing someone's shoes on a table was a way to let their family know that they passed away. Nowadays, it's also just bad etiquette. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Turkey, an itchy right hand means you'll come into some money but an itch on your left means you'll lose money. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Playing with scissors will bring bad luck according to Egyptian lure. Plus, it's just plain dangerous. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Stepping in dog poop is actually considered good luck in France if you do it with your left foot. It's only bad luck if you step with your right foot. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, According to a Russian superstition, bird poop that lands on you or something that belongs to you will bring you wealth — something to keep in mind the next time you're reading under a tree. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, There's an Egyptian superstition that if you see or hear an owl, terrible news is coming. Yet another reason to not hang out in the woods at night. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, An Italian superstition says that if an owl ends up in your house, someone in your family will die. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, If you're in Iceland, keep the knitting inside the house. There's a local superstition that doing your needlework on on your doorstep will keep those temps frigid. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Syria once banned Yo-Yos in 1933 over fear that they would cause a drought. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Getting a haircut on a Tuesday in India will cause bad luck, based on legend. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Gifting yellow flowers in Russia means that you're cursing your friend with infidelity. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Serbia, it's believed to bring good luck if you drip water behind a person. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Irish brides have been known to wear bells on their dresses to ward off evil spirits who might try to ruin their marriage - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Superstitious women in Rwanda don't eat goat meat over fear that it will cause them to grow facial hair. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, There's a Canadian superstition that expectant mothers who are craving fish but don't eat it will end up having a baby with a fish-head. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, There's a Korean superstition that nibbling unshapely food while pregnant means you will end up with an ugly baby - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Portugal, it's considered bad luck to walk backwards. The common belief is that if you do, you're showing the devil which way you're going. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Don't walk under a ladder. The superstition dates back to medieval times. The ladder, back then, symbolized the gallows where people were hanged. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Full moons are commonly associated with chaos. People say that one's behaviour can change in the full moon. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, An old wives' tale says that the best day to go to the hospital is Wednesday - Do you believe it or not? Why?, According to some people in Italy, if you say the same word as someone in unison, you'll never get married. To undo this curse, you must immediately touch your nose. In English, we say "Jynx!" - Do you believe it or not? Why?, A common belief is that if you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad luck! - Do you believe it or not? Why?, The evil eye, a human look believed to cause supernatural harm, is a well-known symbol of bad fortune, - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Apparently in the Netherlands you shouldn't sing at the dinner table. Singing your favorite tune means you're singing to the devil for your food - Do you believe it or not? Why?, According to Hungarian and Russian superstitions, sitting on the corner of the dinner table means you won't have any children. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In the Philippines, it's believed that the color red attracts lightning.  - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Back in 600BC, rabbits were thought to communicate with the spirits of the underworld because they lived underground. A rabbit's foot is also popularly thought to bring good luck  - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Spain, walking into a room with your left foot will bring you bad luck. It's always better to enter or leave with your right. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, According to this superstition, if you open up an umbrella before you head outside, bad luck will "rain" on you. There are some who say this belief came from the early Egyptians, while others say it came from the British in the 18th century when waterproof umbrellas — with metal spokes and a large circumference — could cause injury if opened inside a home. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Spain, instead of kissing someone at midnight to celebrate the New Year, they're encouraged to eat 12 grapes one after the other for good luck. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, People tend to hold their breath when they pass cemeteries, but in Japan, you must tuck your thumbs in to protect your parents. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, People associate awkward silences with a lot of different things, but some believe that when these lulls occur, an angel is passing over. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, We all know the phrase: "Step on a crack, break your mother's back." But in Sweden, you have to watch out for manholes. If you step on one with the letter A, this will bring you a broken heart and bad luck. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Many cultures believe that cutting your nails after the sun goes down is a big NO. According to U.S. News, one Japanese superstition states it can cause premature death. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Many cultures believe that if you spill salt, you should throw salt over your shoulder. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Turkey, chewing gum at night is apparently the equivalent of chewing on the flesh of the dead. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Turkey, don't jump over a child. Doing this will curse them to be short. Forever. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, If you kiss a baby on the lips in Nigeria, legend says you'll condemn them to spend their entire adult lives drooling - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Fishermen refuse to bring bananas on their boats. They say if you bring a banana on board, you may lose control of the ship. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Women in Ancient Britain often kept acorns in their pockets to ensure a youthful complexion. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, In Brazil, putting your purse or wallet on the floor means you'll become penniless. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, People in Ireland and Scotland believe seeing a single magpie is bad luck. For South Koreans, an unlucky bird is the crow. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Unlucky numbers around the world differ. Some fear Friday the 13th, or 666 or the number 4. Do you know why? - Do you believe it or not? Why?, n Cuba, if you declare that it's "el ultimo," or your last drink, then you're tempting fate and death will shortly follow. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Many South Koreans also do not sleep with fans running in closed rooms — if they do, it's believed to be fatal. To combat "fan death," legend says to leave windows open. - Do you believe it or not? Why?, Knocking on wood, naturally, is one of the most prevalent superstitions people talk about. - Do you believe it or not? Why?,

EC I1 M2 5A Superstitions from Around the World


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