1) Julie's parents bought two tickets for a concert a) They are going to go to the concert. b) They are going to the concert. c) They go to the concert. 2) 4:30 - basketball match a) The basketball match starts at 4:30. b) The basketball match is going to start at 4:30. c) The basketball match is starting at 4:30. 3) Tim has a new book a) He's reading the book this afternoon. b) He reads the book this afternoon. c) He's going to read the book this afternoon. 4) Visit to grandma a) Luke is probably visiting his grandma in July. b) Luke is going to visit his grandma in July. c) Luke visits his grandma in July. 5) A taxi is waiting outside a) They are going to the airport. b) They go to the airport. c) They are going to go the airport. 6) Holiday plans a) Sheila goes to Italy. b) Sheila's going to Italy. c) Sheila's going to go to Italy. 7) 11:15 - train to London a) The train is leaving at 11:15. b) The train leaves at 11:15. c) The train is going to leave at 11:15. 8) Monday 2:30 doctor a) He's going to the doctor on Monday at 2:30. b) He's going to go to the doctor on Monday at 2:30. c) He goes to the doctor on Monday at 2:30.

Diary future, going to-future or timetable future?


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