1) We landed at__Heathrow in London  a) An b) A c) - d) The 2) __Ural divide Asia and Europe a) A b) An c) The d) - 3) Monaco is a country on __ Mediterranean coast. a) An b) A c) The d) - 4) The biggest ocean in the world is __ Pacific Ocean  a) A b) An c) The d) - 5) Have you ever been to__Russian Federation? a) A b) An c) The d) - 6) Mania is the capital of__ Philippines  a) A b) An c) The  d) - 7) On our way to __Spain we crossed__Atlantic Ocean a) A, an b) -,the c) A, the 8) You must come to __ Alps for skiing a) A b) An c) The d) - 9) __London Zoo is situated in __ Regent Park in London a) A,an b) The,the c) -,- 10) We meet our friends in __ Kennedy Airport a) A b) An c) The d) -

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