1) The mom is ______ than her daughter. a) taller b) small c) more tall d) tallest 2) Turtles are _______ than cheetahs.  a) faster b) slower c) more slow d) more fast 3) The green house is ______ than the yellow one. a) tiny b) more large c) larger d) tinier  4) Gems are more ______ than rocks. a) cheap b) cheaper c) expensive d) expensiver 5) Dogs are _____ than cats. a) better b) best c) good d) gooder 6) Learning Japanese is more______ than learning English. a) most difficult b) difficult c) difficulter d) difficultest 7) Sharks are more ________ than golden fish.  a) Danger b) Dangerouser c) Dangerousest d) Dangerous


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