1) The cat made a ____________ by trying to climb a waterfall. a) misbehave b) misplace c) mistake 2) The kid _________in class by yelling. a) misbehaved b) mistook c) misplaced 3) At the principal's office the kid _________ the principal's order and ran next to the dog. a) disbelieved b) disobeyed c) discovered 4) The architect ___________a dinosaur skeleton . a) discovered b) disbelieved c) disowned 5) My sloth is ____________. I would cry if I lost him. a) precious b) detention c) noxious 6) People are ______________about COVID19. a) delicious b) cautious c) spacious 7) Overpacking is ______________ when travelling. a) special b) essential c) official 8) The _________was buried in the sand (as well as in Minecraft). a) pressure b) measure c) treasure 9) Friday the 13th is ____________ for some people. a) uncover b) unlucky c) unbelievable 10) My school work is _______________. I need to finish it. a) incomplete b) incorrect c) inside 11) The sloth was ________ at doctor's office because they were taking too long. a) imperfect b) impossible c) impatient 12) Murder is _________ in all countries. a) illegible b) illegal c) illiterate 13) It was very __________ not to tell mum where I was yesterday. a) irregular b) irresponsible c) irrational

Prefix and suffix review- Find the Sloth


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