1) Social Learning Theory was proposed by? a) b) c) 2) It has an individual-based approach. a) INCLUSIVE EDUCATION b) SPECIAL EDUCATION 3) The basic building blocks of such cognitive models, and enable us to form a mental representation of the world. a) SCHEMA b) ADAPTATION c) COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT 4) This happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not work, and needs to be changed. a) ACCOMMODATION b) ASSIMILATION c) EQUILIBRATION 5) At which stage of cognitive development, a child learns about the world through their senses and through their actions. a) SENSORIMOTOR b) PRE-OPERATIONAL c) CONCRETE OPERATIONAL d) FORMAL OPERATIONAL 6) “A major turning point in the child's cognitive development” a) SENSORIMOTOR b) PRE-OPERATIONAL c) CONCRETE OPERATIONAL d) FORMAL OPERATIONAL 7) All of the following are Mediational Processes by Bandura EXCEPT: a) ATTENTION b) REPRODUCTION c) MOTIVATION d) ATTRITION 8) Zone Proximal Development (ZPD) is a theory proposed by? a) LEV VGOTSKY b) ALBERT BANDURA c) JEAN PIAGET 9) He/She said that "Learning is situated". a) JEAN LAVE b) LEV VGOTSKY c) ALBERT EINSTEIN 10) This picture shows EQUALITY. a) b) 11) All of the following are the SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND MILESTONES to the development of special and inclusive education EXCEPT: a) ERA OF EXTERMINATION b) ERA OF RIDICULE c) ERA OF THE GOLDEN AGE 12) These are how person with disabilities were treated during the Era of Ridicule EXCEPT one: a) Used as servants or fools b) Some were still put to death c) Dwarfs were used as clowns d) They served in the government.

Bases of Special and Inclusive Education


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