1) n. 전공 a) major b) chance c) make a decision d) trial and error 2) a. 안정적인 a) bold b) make a decision c) stable d) realize 3) v. 그만두다 a) quit b) expert c) chance d) inspire 4) professional a) professional b) pursue c) quit d) lead 5) n. 용기 a) make a decision b) skill c) bold d) courage 6) v. 추구하다, 좇다 a) pursue b) engineering c) serious d) make a decision 7) n. 공학 a) engineering b) bold c) trial and error d) realize 8) n. 기량, 기술 a) stable b) professional c) lead d) skill 9) v. 영감을 주다, 고무하다 a) make a decision b) inspire c) skill d) northern lights 10) v. 실현하다 a) realize b) skill c) passport d) stable 11) v. 이끌다 a) engineering b) bold c) major d) lead 12) v. (심장이) 고동치다 a) engineering b) expert c) belong to d) beat 13) 북극광 a) serious b) chance c) northern lights d) quit 14) 시행착오 a) engineering b) for a living c) trial and error d) passport 15) a. 용감한, 대담한 a) bold b) quit c) beat d) courage 16) 생계 수단으로 a) for a living b) skill c) beat d) northern lights 17) n. 기회 a) stable b) pursue c) chance d) for a living 18) 결정하다 a) major b) professional c) make a decision d) engineering 19) ~에 속하다 a) pursue b) realize c) belong to d) trial and error 20) n. 여권 a) engineering b) skill c) passport d) serious 21) a. 진지한, 심각한 a) bold b) engineering c) serious d) skill 22) n. 전문가 a) expert b) beat c) for a living d) make a decision

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