1) The spider is _________ a) in the web. b) on the web. c) under the web. 2) The fly is ________ a) in the cup. b) on the cup. c) under the cup. 3) The butterfly is __________ a) in the flower. b) on the flower. c) under the flower. 4) The worm is _______ a) in the apple. b) on the apple. c) under the apple. 5) The ladybug is ________ a) in the flower. b) on the flower. c) under the flower. 6) The grasshopper is ________ a) in the flower. b) on the flower. c) under the flower. 7) The caterpillar is _________ a) in the leaf. b) on the leaf. c) under the leaf. 8) The mosquito is ______ a) in the man. b) on the man. c) under the man. 9) The bee is ________ a) in the rose. b) on the rose. c) under the rose.


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