1) Change4Life recommends affordable brands and recipes to overcome which barrier? a) Individual Resistance b) Cost c) Media d) Accessibility e) Lifestyle Factors 2) Change4Life provides details on how activities can be modified for disabled children to overcome which barrier? a) Individual Resistance b) Cost c) Media d) Accessibility e) Lifestyle Factors 3) Change4Life provides a wide range of fun activities to overcome which barrier? a) Individual Resistance b) Cost c) Media d) Accessibility e) Lifestyle Factors 4) Change4Life uses inclusive and diverse pictures on its website to overcome which barrier? a) Individual Resistance b) Cost c) Media d) Accessibility e) Lifestyle Factors 5) Change4Life displays the negative impact of a poor diet and unhealthy weight to overcome which barrier? a) Individual Resistance b) Cost c) Media d) Accessibility e) Lifestyle Factors

Barriers to Participation and Challenging Indifference


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