Compass - Used to determine direction of travel, Log and line - Measured a ships speed in knots, Quadrant - Used to determine a ships latitude, New trade routes - A reason given for exploration missions, Lateen sail - A sail that allowed boats to sail into winds, Castle - An area on a boat for crews quarters, Typhoid and scurvy - Diseases that sailors sometimes got on ships, Mutiny - When crew members rebel against their captain, Christopher Colombus's birthplace - Genoa, Italy, Spain - The country that sponsored Columbus's first voyage to the New World, Gold, maize, exotic fruit and slaves - some items that Columbus's brought back to Spain, Poor leadership and brutality - Reasons why Columbus was removed as governor of San Salvador , Hernan Cortes - The Conquistador who defeated the Aztec's, Francisco Pizarro - The Conquistador who defeated the Inca's, Effects of European colonisers in the New World - The native population was decimated, Impact of colonisation in Europe - Huge amounts of gold and silver arrive in Spain, Columbian Exchange - Legislated for exchange of food and animals between Europe and the Americas, The Treaty of Tordesillas - Agreement signed by Spain and Portugal to avoid war, Colonisation - When a country takes over a territory and settles its people there, The destruction of American cultures - An impact of European colonisation,

Chapter 9: The Age of Exploration and Conquest


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