1) Alkanes are a) Unsaturated molecules b) Saturated molecules 2) Alkenes are a) Unsaturated molecules b) Saturated molecules 3) The test for an alkene is a) Fluorine water b) Chlorine water c) Bromine water d) Iodine water 4) When mixed with an alkene, bromine water a) Turns from orange-bown to clear b) Turns from clear to orange-brown c) Boils d) Evaporates 5) Crude oil can be seperated by a) Fictional distilliation b) Polymeristation c) Fractional distillation d) Addition polymeristation 6) In a fractional distillation column, the molecules with the LOWEST boiling points are found at the a) Top b) Middle c) Bottom 7) Long chain hydrocarbons have __________ boiling point than short chain hydrocarbons a) Higher b) Lower c) Similar 8) Cracking a hydrocarbon molecule produces a) A shorter alkane molecule b) An alkene and an alkane molecule c) Two alkane molecules d) Two alkene molecules 9) Cracking requires a catalyst of a) Biological enzymes b) Porceline pieces c) Calcium carbonate d) Aluminium oxide

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