1) Which is not a principle of art and design? a) Harmony b) Balance c) Depth d) Rhythm 2) What is the example of artwork? a) Mona Lisa b) Abigail Caparos c) The Scream d) The Starry Night 3) Who said that "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see ? a) Edgar Degas b) Frank Llyod Wright c) Rene Magritte d) Lucius Annaeus Seneca 4) Choose the correct statement a) 1850 Romantic Period emphasis on science, empirical evidence and rational thought, created in the pursuit of beauty and expression of emotions b) 11th-17th century, the definition of art was anything done with skill as the result of knowledge and practice c) 18th century the Avant-garde art movement began, artist pushed the boundaries of ideas and creativity and represented innovative approaches to art making and definition of what is art expanded to include the idea of originality of vision. d) the idea of originality in dance persists, leading to ever more genres and manifestations of art, such as digital art, performance art, conceptual art, environmental art, electronic art, etc. 5) One of the most influential na early theorists toward the end of the 18th century a) Lucius Annaeus Seneca b) Frank Llyod Wright c) Immanuel Kant d) Rene Magritte

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