1) People ……………. on Kuwait’s National Day. a) visit b) march c) start 2) On the 1st day of Eid, we pray Eid ………………… . a) prayer b) candle c) party 3)  The green traffic light ……………….. move. a) plays b) visits c) means 4) Yesterday, I bought my mum a ……………. a) present b) street c) cousins 5) Ramadan comes ……………. Eid Al Fitr. a) before b) after c) under 6) Let’s …………. our cousins. a) fast b) mean c) visit 7) My …………… is an old man. a) prayer b) grandfather c) party 8) Don’t play football in the ………….. a) present b) street c) candle

تدريب على اختبار القراءة G3 U5


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