1) What is the adjective (прилаг.) from REMARK (заметить)? a) remarks b) remarkable c) remarking 2) Which is NOT a noun (сущ.) from ACTIVATE (активизировать, запускать)? a) act b) action c) accident d) activation 3) What's the opposite of IMAGINABLE (вообразимый, мыслимый)? a) unimaginable b) inimaginable c) disimaginable 4) What is the noun (сущ.) from RESPONSIBLE (ответственный)? a) responsibiliness b) responsibition c) responsibility 5) What is the opposite of KNOWN (знакомый, известный)? a) not known b) inknown c) unknown 6) Which word is not from the word family of AWARE (в курсе, в теме, знающий)? a) awareness b) unawareness c) unaware d) a war 7) What is the adjective (прилаг.) of IGNORANCE (невежество)? a) ignorsive b) ignorant c) ignorible 8) Which is NOT an adjective (прилаг.) from COMPREHEND (понимать)? a) comprehensive b) comprehensible c) incomprehensible d) uncomprehendable 9) The word IMPRESSION сomes from.... a) imprease b) impress c) imprese 10) What is the noun (сущ.) from BLIND? a) blinded b) blindness c) blindly


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