1) You leave home at 11.25am and your journey takes you 40 minutes. What time will you arrive at your destination? a) 12.00 midday b) 12.15pm c) 12.05pm d) 11.55am 2) The internal angles in any triangle always total: a) 90 degrees b) 180 degrees c) 270 degrees d) 360 degrees 3) How many lines of symmetry does a regular hexagon have? a) zero b) 12 c) 6 d) five 4) What is 56.5 multiplied by 1000? a) 565000 b) 565 c) 5650 d) 56500 5) What is the product of 8 and 9? a) 17 b) 72 c) 1 d) 63 6) I think of a number. I halve it and take away 12. My number is 8. What was my original number? a) 4 b) 30 c) 20 d) 40 7) Jane buys 7 packs of sweets for 99 pence each. She pays with a £20 note. How much change does she receive? a) £12.07 b) £6.93 c) £5.93 d) £13.07

Maths Quiz 1

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