1) The exam ______ on the last Friday of term. a) Will be b) Is being 2) A: It's Alice's birthday tomorrow. B: Oh, really? I ___________ a cake. a) 'm making b) 'll make 3) I ________ dinner with my family tonight. a) 'm not having b) 'm not going to have c) make 4) ___________ to Jo's party next weekend? a) Are you going to go b) Will you go 5) You can trust me. I _______ anyone what you told me. a) 'm not telling b) won't tell 6) A: What are you doing on Sunday? B: _________ my grandparents. a) 're visiting b) 'll visit 7) I think the birth rate _________ in my country in the next few years. a) will go down b) is going down 8) My grandfather is _________ at the end of the month. a) going to retire b) retiring c) will retire


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