1) It is a flowing body of water that travels several kilometers until it reaches the sea or ocean. a) Lake b) River c) Sea 2) The clouds block the Sun during this kind of weather.  a) Sunny weather b) Cloudy weather c) Windy weather 3) Which of the following clothes are suitable for summer days? a) b) c) 4) It is the second-largest body of water. a) Ocean b) Sea c) Lake 5) The Earth has water forms. a) Maybe b) True c) False 6) The Earth has different weather systems. a) False b) I don't know c) True 7) The changes in the condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place is called ______. a) Weather b) Landform c) Waterform 8) Which of the following food can make you feel warm during cold days? a) Ice cream b) Halo-Halo c) Soup 9) What thing do you need during hot weather? a) b) c) 10) You stay indoors during this kind of weather. a) Windy weather b) Cloudy weather c) Rainy weather

Science 1- 4th Quarterly


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