Is There a Market Near Your House? - Evinizin Yanında Market Var mı?, Yes, there is a market near your house - Evet, evimizin yanında market var , Is there a pharmacy near your house? - Evinizin yanında eczane var mı?, No, there is not a pharmacy near our house - Hayır, evimizin yanında eczane yok, Where is the restaurant? - Lokanta nerede?, The restaurant is on the corner of the street - Lokanta, caddenin köşesinde, Where is the ambulance? - Ambulans nerede?, The ambulance is between the hospital and the restaurant. - Ambulans, hastane ile lokantanın arasında, Where is the post office? - Postane nerede?, The post office is next to the restaurant - Postane, lokantanın yanında, Where is the car? - Araba nerede?, The car is in front of the bank - Araba, bankanın önünde, Where is the museum in your city? - Şehrinizde müze nerede?, Museum is against gas station - Müze, benzin istasyonunun karşısında, Where is the hospital? - Hastane nerede?, The hospital is behind the restaurant. - Hastane, lokantanın arkasında, His name is Emre. Emre is nineteen years old - Onun adı Emre. Emre on dokuz yaşında, He is from Istanbul. He lives in Pendik. - O, İstanbullu. Pendik’te yaşıyor., His house is across from the post office - Onun evi postanenin karşısında, There is a pharmacy, restaurant and bank next to hıs house - Evinin yanında eczane, lokanta ve banka var, The cinema is very close to his house - Sinema onun evine çok yakın, Emre's school is in Göztepe - Emre’nin okulu Göztepe’de, His house is a little far from school - Onun evi okula biraz uzak, He goes to school by bus - O, okula otobüsle gidiyor, His school is between the hospital and the police center - Onun okulu hastaneyle polis merkezinin arasında, There is a bus stop in front of the school. - Okulun önünde otobüs durağı var., Emre's house is not behind the post office - Emre’nin evi postanenin arkasında değil, Emre's house is not a bit close to school - Emre’nin evi okula biraz yakın değil,

1-Evinizin Yanında Market Var mı? - Is There a Market Near Your House?


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