1) The water cycle is... a) water in the form of a gas b) the movement of moisture around the earth and atmosphere c) the transfer of water from plants back to the atmosphere 2) Cloud cover is measured in...? a) Oktas b) Hygrometer c) Barometer 3) Which type of rainfall forms when moist air meets a mountain barrier and is forced to rise? a) frontal b) relief c) convectional 4) Which type of rain fall is formed when the sun heats the ground intensely causing warm, moist air to rise? a) frontal b) convectional c) relief 5) An Anemomoter is used to measure what? a) windspeed b) rainfall c) wind direction 6) Rainfall is measured using what? a) Anemomoter b) Barometer c) Rain gauge 7) A high pressure weather system is known as.. a) A cyclone b) An Anti-cyclone c) A Depression

weather and climate


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