Off the beaten track - A place or route that is far away from where many people live, Make your way back - To try to return to your point of origin, Hustle and bustle - To have many activities, used to describe a crowded and modern place, Live out of a suitcase - To stay in several places for only a short time, with only enough belongings to put in a suitcase, Travel broadens the mind - To know more about the world, understand more about culture and have more life experience, Hit the road - To leave or start a journey, Break the journey - To stop somewhere for a while during a long journey, Have/get/give [someone] itchy feet - To want to travel or to do something new, Thirst for adventure - To have an intense desire to travel, explore new places and have new experiences, Do something on a shoestring - Do something without spending a lot of money, At the crack of dawn - At the earliest possible time., To call it a day - Stop doing anything else for the rest of the day,

Travel Idioms


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