1) PAY WHAT YOU CAN FOR YOUR COFFEE OR NOTHING IF YOU ARE HOMELESS. a) SOME PEOPLE GET FREE COFFEE HERE b) NOBODY PAYS FOR COFFEE HERE c) THEY DON´T SERVE COFFEE HERE 2) CHICKEN SOUP -just add boiling water! a) You have to boil the chicken before eating b) This soup is ready to eat from the packet c) You can't eat this if you don't have any hot water 3) WARNING - HOT SURFACE! a) If you touch this, it will hurt b) This is not dangerous c) Some people leave their groceries here 4) Do not put food down the sink a) Be careful what you put here b) This is not the place to throw dirty water c) If there is any food left put it here 5) Wash your hands before cooking in this kitchen a) Nobody is allowed to cook here b) People who want to cook here must do something first c) Only a few people can cook here

KET - reading signs and messages


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