1) Do you know anyone who has a disgusting habit? If yes, what is it? Why do you find it disgusting? 2) What is the most valuable advice you have ever been given? How about valuable advice you have given to someone? 3) What are your country's most valuable commodities? 4) What is the most valuable item you own? 5) What are some of the most disturbing films you have ever seen? Why do you find them disturbing? 6) Who is the most loving person you know? 7) What is the most disturbing piece of news you have heard recently? 8) What is the most bizzare thing you have heard recently? 9) What is the most outrageous lie you have ever heard?  10) Who is the most reasonable person you know? Why do you find them reasonable? 11) When it comes to political elections, do you think the public is too gullible? 12) Have you ever done anything illegal? If yes, say more about it. 13) Can you recall any immature things you did when you were younger? 14) What jobs do you think are unethical?

New Horizons - B2 - Vocabulary - Lesson 42 - Practice - Ex. 5


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