1. The people of Quraysh wanted to revenge their defeat in ____2. The people of Quraysh wanted to restore their ____ 3. ____ is the secret of success. 4. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ led ____ hundred Muslims to defend Madina against the Quraysh’s army. 5. The Quraysh army had ____ men. 6. More than ____ sahabah were martyred in the battle of Uhud 7-1-Islam had a clear position regarding war between people, allowing it only in cases of ____. 8-Wars are considered one of the causes of ____ and civilisation backwardness. 9-Upon the reaching the battlefield, the Prophet appointed 50 ____ under the command of ____. 10-Amongst the Muslim martyrs was ____, Prophet’s uncle. 11-One of the women who participated in the battle was ____. She served ____ to soldiers. 12-it’s important to follow the instructions of the ____ during the Battle.

Y7-The Battle of Uhud Abdelkarim REguieg


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