1) Spain and Argentina has the same way of education system a) True b) False 2) They share the same language a) True b) False 3) They were 6 modalities of education... a) True b) False 4) Argentina's education divided (IN ORDER) a) Initial, primary and secondary b) Kinder, primary, secondary, superior and initial c) Primary, initial, superior and secondary d) Secondary, primary and superior e) Initial, primary, secondari and superior f) Initial, primary, secondary and superior 5) The education of Argentina started in... a) XVII century b) CI century c) XV century d) XVI century e) VXI century f) XXI centuy 6) In Spain, there are ___ years of secundary school a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 e) 2 f) 0 7) In Argentina there are ______ years of secundary school a) 5 or 7 b) 5 or 6 c) 2 or 4 d) 6 or 7 e) 7 or 8 f) None is correct 8) Where classes last 45 minutes? a) In Spain b) In Argentina c) In spein d) In Arg3nt1na e) In Spin f) In Argentinå 9) In Spain... a) 5 is insufficent b) 5 is outstanding c) 5 is fine d) 5 is enough e) 5 means that you are in problems f) 5 is good 10) In Argentina there are 38 national public universities a) True b) False



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