Vaccine - A substance administered to induce a increased speed/intensity of immune response, Neuraminidase Inhibitor - Inhibits a viral enzyme that usually induces release of viruses, DNA polymerease inhibitors - Selectivly target viral DNA polymerase, acting as a competitive antagonist nucleoside anologue, Reverse transcriptase inhibitors - Non-Selectively inhibit reverse transcriptase, NNRTI - Denatures active site of reverse transcriptase, NRTIs - Nucleoside or nucleoside analogue that terminates viral DNA chain, RNA-D-RNAPIs - Inhibit RNA polymerease. Also work in a similar way to NTRIs, Molnupiravir - A type of RNA-D-RNAPIs which is incorperated into DNA and is susptable to random mutation. Ultimately acting via lethal mutagenesis., Raltegravir - Drugs that inhibit viral intergrase enzyme, Lopinavir/Ritonavir - Inhibit viral post-translational proteases, HAART - 2x NTRIs & 1xNNRTI or protease inhibitor,


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