1) scared a) of b) in c) about d) to e) with 2) disappointed a) of b) with c) in d) to e) about 3) proud a) about b) with c) in d) to e) of 4) jealous a) in b) of c) with d) about e) to 5) nice a) in b) to c) of d) with e) about 6) afraid a) in b) to c) of d) about e) with 7) nice a) to b) with c) about d) of e) in 8) worried a) about b) with c) in d) of e) to 9) upset a) to b) with c) of d) in e) about 10) please a) in b) with c) to d) about e) of 11) scared a) of b) in c) with d) about e) to 12) ashamed a) in b) with c) about d) of e) to 13) angry a) about b) in c) of d) with e) to 14) excited a) in b) about c) with d) to e) of 15) interested a) in b) to c) about d) of e) with 16) mean a) about b) in c) to d) with e) of 17) nervous a) of b) with c) about d) in e) to

new 6B Ch.6 adjectives+prepositions


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