SPECTACLE - Transparent eyelid made of the fusion of the upper and lower eyelids found in snakes, COPRODEUM - First section of the cloaca where the faeces are collected, SEXUAL DIMORPHIC - Species where there are visible differences in external features between males and females: colouration, shape etc, SQUAMATA - Belonging to the Class Reptilia, includes suborders Sauria and Serpents, PROCTODEUM - Final section of the cloaca that acts as a collection chamber prior to the elimination of waste, LAMELLAE - Overlapping scales arranged in layers found on the underside of geckos enabling them to grip on to smooth surfaces, CHELONIA - Belonging to the Class Reptilia, comprises tortoises, terrapins and turtles, URODEUM - Section of the cloaca where the urinary waste is collected,

REPTILE 2 Anatomy & Physiology Key Points


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