1) What's the correct sentence? a) I go always to school in the mornings b) I always go to school in the mornings 2) What's the correct sentence? a) I am always late for the class b) I always am late for class 3) What's the correct sentence? a) My friends are usually very nice b) My friends usually are very nice 4) What's the correct sentence? a) My brother does never his homework b) My brother never does his homework 5) What's the correct sentence? a) I study for tests usually b) I usually study for my tests 6) What's the correct sentence? a) My dad usually goes to sleep early b) My dad goes usually to sleep early 7) What's the correct sentence? a) We have dinner sometimes at my grandma's home b) We sometimes have dinner at my grandma's home 8) What's the correct sentence? a) My friends and I have a snack at school normally b) My friends and I normally have a snack at school

Present Simple and Adverbs of Frequency


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