1) Tod _________________________ (watch) TV at the moment. a) watches b) is watching c) was watching d) has watched 2) Ella ________________________ (have) blonde hair, but now she’s quite dark. a) used to have b) is used to have c) is using to have d) uses to have 3) What _______________ he _______________ (find) when he opened the door? a) did he found b) does he finds c) does he find d) did he find 4) We ____________________ (not go ) to the party if we didn’t want to. a) didn't go b) won't go c) wouldn't go d) want go 5) _______________ you ever _______________ (see) a giraffe? a) have... seen b) has... seen c) were .... seeing d) did... see 6) She _______________ (meet) her friend last week. a) met b) meeted c) has met d) was met 7) I don’t think it _______________ (snow) this week. It’s too warm. a) will snow b) is snowing c) is going to snow d) snows 8) He _______________ (cook) lunch when we arrived, so we offered to help. a) cooks b) was cooked c) was cooking d) has been cooking 9) What __________ you _________ (do) if it rains this afternoon? a) did ... do b) does ... do c) are ... do d) will ... do 10) Pizza _______________ (make) with flour, oil, tomatoes and cheese. a) is made b) is make c) are made d) were made 11) How __________ bread do you eat? a) much b) many c) few d) a few 12) A chemist’s is a place __________ you buy medicines. a) which b) where c) who d) in that


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