1) _______ were not considered in most early studies of youth cultures. a) Girls b) Boys c) Children d) Teenagers e) Adults f) Pensioners 2) Heidensohn pointed out that much of the work was carried out by ______ sociologists who therefore tended to overlook the development of youth cultures among young women. a) female b) male c) old d) young e) middle class f) working class 3) The contribution of women to the development of youth cultures was overlooked; women were ‘________'. a) stagnant b) betrayed c) allowed d) invisible e) uncool f) absent 4) Ehrenreich (1983) pointed out that some youth cultures were anti-female. She claimed that the _______ world of the 1950s provided an opportunity for male bonding where women were unwanted. a) Punk b) Mod c) Rocker d) Goth e) Emo f) Beat 5) Osgerby pointed out that before the ________s, the traditional role of men was to look after women. a) 1930 b) 1940 c) 1950 d) 1960 e) 1970 f) 1980 6) Albert Cohen explained the association of aggressively male youth culture as being linked to school failure and the attempt to gain _________ through exaggerated masculinity and criminal behaviour. a) power b) values c) norms d) identity e) status f) money 7) The work of the _______ suggested that some youth cultures demonstrated an aggressive hyper-masculinity in order to exaggerate working-class masculine traits such as toughness and aggression. a) CCCS b) CSCS c) SSSC d) SCSC e) SSCC f) CCSS 8) Bob Connell (1995) suggested that male roles in society have changed and that many men feel threatened by the rise in _______ of women. a) power b) control c) wages d) jobs e) fortunes f) influence 9) Many sociologists have referred to a changing concept of what it is to be male as a crisis of __________. a) control b) power c) conscience d) femininity e) masculinity f) consciousness 10) ___________ (1994) claimed boys felt education to be a waste of time, so they coped by developing laddish behaviours. a) Osgerby b) Mac an Ghaill c) Heidensohn d) McDonnell e) Griffin f) Kimmel 11) McDonnell referred to _________ masculinity, claiming traditional male roles to be inappropriate to modern society. a) hyper b) feminine c) redundant d) toxic e) secondary f) primary 12) Griffin (2000) talked of boys experiencing a sense of _______ of what it is to be inappropriate to modern society. a) purpose b) shame c) anxiety d) loss e) power f) control 13) Frith and Mahoney (1994); Gilligan (1997); Keddie (2007); Robinson (2000) all suggested that boys demonstrate aggressively intimidating behaviour towards girls and even female ________. a) teachers b) politicians c) wrestlers d) accountants e) scientists f) social workers 14) Which youth culture movement do you associate collarless shirts and Doc Marten boots? a) punk b) goth c) teddy boy d) emo e) skinhead f) hippy 15) Which youth culture do you associate love and peace with? a) punk b) goth c) tedyy boy d) emo e) skinhead f) hippy

Gender and youth cultures


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