1) I _______________ have taken an umbrella. a) should b) could 2) I _____________ have bought bread but I didn't know we needed it. a) should b) could 3) We _________________ have invited so many people to our party! I'm worried we won't have enough room. a) shouldn't b) couldn't 4) I _________________ have started saving money years ago! Now I could be traveling around the world! a) should b) could 5) The weather __________________ have been any worse! a) shouldn't b) couldn't 6) I _________________ have arrived on time, even if I'd left earlier. There were terrible traffic jams all the way. a) shouldn't b) couldn't 7) They _________________ have won the football match, but Mary hurt her ankle. a) should b) could 8) Lucy ___________________ earlier. She missed her flight. a) should have left b) could have left c) shouldn't have left d) couldn't have left 9) I _________________________ so much chocolate! I feel sick! a) shouldn't have ate b) couldn't have ate c) shouldn't have eaten d) couldn't have eaten 10) Luke ________________________ the exam if he'd studied a bit more. a) should have passed b) could have passed 11) She _______________________ to the restaurant if she'd left work earlier. a) could have come b) could have came

TT8 - Could Have/ Should Have


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