1) Are you a price-conscious shopper? 2) Are you good at saving money? 3) Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop? 4) Do you enjoy shopping? 5) Do you ever buy second-hand things? 6) Do you ever give money to charity? 7) Do you haggle when you shop? 8) Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need? 9) Have you ever been in debt? 10) Have you ever owed money to people? 11) Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? 12) Have you ever found any money? If so, what did you do with it? 13) How important is money to you? 14) How much do you have to spend to eat a good meal at a restaurant in your country? 15) If someone gave you a lot of money, what would you do with it? 16) Some people say that "money makes the world go around." Do you agree? Why or why not? 17) What do you spend the most money on each month? 18) What is something that you have bought recently that was a good bargain? 19) What is something you want but don't have enough money to buy? 20) What kinds of things are you saving your money for? 21) What qualities must a person have to make BIG money? 22) Should children get an allowance (pocket money) from their parents? 23) When you buy something, do you "shop around" and go to many stores to compare prices? 24) Do you agree - Save your pennies for a rainy day. 25) Do you agree - You can't take it with you when you go.

Are you a saver or a spender?


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