1) Where are transition metals found in the periodic table? a) In the middle b) In group 1 c) In group 2 d) In group 7 2) Which metal is not an example of a transition metal? a) Sodium b) Copper c) Iron d) Zinc 3) What colour are copper compounds? a) Green b) red c) Blue d) Orange 4) Transition metal compounds are often used as catalysts? Iron is used for a) making fertilisers b) to maufacture margarine 5) What gas is given off when Iron Carbonate is heated? a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Carbon dioxide 6) What is a precipitation? a) When a solid melts into a liquid b) When a solid forms in a solution c) A liquid turns into a gas 7) What colour solid do Iron(II ) ions form in a solution? a) Blue b) Grey/Green c) Orange 8) Which of the following is not a property of most metals? a) Lustrous b) High density c) Good conductors d) Gas at room temperature 9) Which is not a use of sodium chloride? a) preservative b) Flavouring c) Sterilise wounds d) Manufacture chlorine 10) Which Halogen is used to sterilise water and make plastics? a) Chlorine b) Fluorine c) Bromine 11) What is not a use of sodium chloride? a) Used as a preservative b) Used as a flavouring c) Used to sterilise wounds d) Used in the manufacture of chlorine

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