1) Another name for red blood cells is a) thrombocyte b) erythrocyte c) leukocyte d) granulocyte e) agranulocyte 2) The two main types of white blood cells are a) granulocytes and agranulocytes b) erythrocytes and thrombocytes c) granulocytes and erythrocytes d) agranulocytes and leukocytes 3) Platelets are called a) leukocytes b) erythocytes c) thrombocytes d) granulocytes 4) Which statement is FALSE concerning Red blood cells? a) They are made in the bone marrow. b) They have a nucleus. c) They contain haemoglobin. d) They transport dissolved gases, both oxygen and carbon dioxide. e) They have a biconcave disc shape. 5) Which statement is wrong concerning platelets? a) They are fragments of cells. b) They are made in the bone marrow. c) They help blood to clot properly. d) They have nucleus. e) They do not have haemoglobin. 6) Phagocytes or granulocytes role is to a) engulf or eat pathogens such as bacteria. b) make antibodies in response to antigens present. c) clot blood to seal wounds. d) transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. 7) Which is TRUE concerning lymphocytes? a) have haemoglobin. b) fragments of cells. c) have lobed nucleus. d) have large rounded nucleus. e) have a biconcave disc shape. 8) One molecule of haemoglobin can transport ___________ molecules of oxygen. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 9) Haemoglobin (Hb) has 4 _______________ in the haem molecule. a) iron (Fe) b) magnesium (Mg) c) manganese (Mn) d) calcium (Ca) e) potassium (K) 10) Red blood cells live for _____________________ days. a) 20 b) 120  c) 13 d) 5 11) Which is common to red blood cells and platelets? a) They both have nucleus. b) They have no nucleus. c) They have Hb. d) They transport gases. 12) Antibodies are a) specific protein molecules made by lymphocytes to destroy a certain antigen. b) protein molecules made by cells. c) foreign body agents which initiates an immune response. d) non-specific protein made by cells. 13) Antigens are a) specific protein molecules made by lymphocytes. b) foreign body agents which initiates an immune response. c) protein molecules which speed up chemical reactions. d) granulocytes and agranulocytes. 14) Phagocytosis is a) the process of making antibodies. b) The process of making antigens. c) the process of engulfing and eating pathogens. d) the process of neutralising toxins.


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