1) You are staying at a hotel and the air-conditioning in your room is not working. Phone reception. 2) Give your manager a short update on current projects and activities. 3) Ask your colleague to give you a lift to the station. 4) Make a reservation at a restaurant. 5) You are asking a colleague to help you with your presentation. 6) You want to borrow 20 dollars from your friend. 7) Check in at hotel reception. 8) Buy a T-shirt in a clothes shop. 9) Order a meal at a restaurant. 10) Yesterday you bought a pair of shoes but they are too small. Take them back to the shop. 11) Start small talk with a visitor to your company. 12) Phone the IT staff about a problem. 13) Phone a customer to make an appointment with them. 14) You have a headache. You go to the pharmacy to get something for it.

Role-play pre-intermediate


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