1. Lady Redcliff doesn't hear very well. Don't knock on the door. ____ the bell.  2. John and Tom were ____, when we entered the room.  3. They helped the ____, gave them food, clothes, money. 4. ____ floor! Be careful! 5.  I promise. I will ____ the picture on the wall ____ classes. 6. We will ____! 7. A ____ is a space in the wall of a room for a fire to ____ in. 8. My elder brother is always ____. He has a lot of things to do. 9. Do you ____ in Father Frost? 10. My phone ____ three times during the lesson yesterday. 11. He was a soldier ____ the war. He ____ bravely. 12. When Dad came in the kitchen, Mum was ____ the dinner.


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