1) is the church’s own music, born in the church’s liturgy. a) Glory Chant b) Gregorian Chant 2) In the celebration of the Eucharist a) The Mass b) The Church 3) It means (Glory to God in the highest) a) Gloria in excelsis Deo b) Creed 4) It is constituted by pieces that are sung according to the liturgical time or according to the feast that is celebrated. a) Introit b) The Proprium 5) chant of entrance to initiate the celebration a) Introit b) Gradual 6) accompany the procession of the gifts. a) Gradual b) Offertory 7) a short repeated invocation a) Kyrie Eleison b) Agnus Dei 8) a system Christian or other religious belief, faith(worship song) a) Creed b) Sanctus and Benedictus 9) the morning song of birds. a) matins b) lauds 10) a laudatory liturgy of praise in the early morning light. a) Terce b) Lauds 11) prayed at mid-morning 9 AM. a) Terce b) Matins 12) it takes place a midday when the sun is at its apex 12 M. a) None b) Sext 13) refers to the ninth hour, roughly mid-afternoon and is the third of the little hours. a) None b) Vespers 14) comes from the Latin word “complete”, the last common prayer before retiring for the night. a) Sext b) Complines 15) characteristic of the Gregorian Chant a) Songs prayer b) Sung Prayer


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