1) During inspiration, which of the following does not occur? a) External intercostals contract. b) Internal intercostal muscles relax. c) Rib cage move forward and outward. d) Diaphragm relaxes and becomes domed shape. e) Volume of the chest cavity increases. f) Air pressure in lungs decreases. 2) All of the following occur during expiration of air EXCEPT a) Air pressure in lungs increases. b) Volume of the thorax decreases. c) Rib cage move down and inward. d) Air is expelled from the lungs. e) Internal intercostal muscles relax. 3) Part A of the diagram is demonstrating a) Expiration b) Inspiration 4) When the atmospheric pressure is less than the air pressure inside the lungs then ____________________ occurs. a) inspiration b) expiration 5) Expiration is BEST defined as  a) the release of air from the lungs. b) the intake of air into the lungs.


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