1) My mom and dad ____ at the cinema yesterday. *CINEMA = cine a) was b) were 2) My sister and I ____ at school yesterday morning. a) was b) were 3) My grandmother ____ in the mountains one year ago. a) were b) was 4) I ____ in the lake last week. a) weren't b) wasn´t 5) We ___ in the park last Wednesday. a) wasn´t b) weren´t 6) My friends ____ at the zoo a week ago. a) weren´t b) wasn't 7) Yesterday, my dog ______ at the park.  a) wasn´t b) weren't 8) Yesterday, I ____ at the hospital. a) weren't b) wasn´t 9) Paul _____in the school on Sunday.  a) weren't b) wasn´t

was - were / wasn't - weren't


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