For one-syllable adjectives, add -____ to form the ____ and -____ to form the ____. For one-syllable adjectives that end in the letter e, add ____ to form the ____ and ____ to form the ____. For two-syllable adjectives that end in the letter y, remove -y, and add ____ to form the ____ and ____ to form the ____. For adjectives that have two or more syllables (that don't end in -y) add the word ____ before the adjective to form the ____ and add the words ____ before the adjective to form the ____. For one-syllable adjectives that end in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) and a consonant (b, d, g, n, p, or t) repeat the last ____ and add -er to form the ____ and -est to form the ____. Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms: bad,____, the____ or good, ____, the ____. Use as + ____ + ____ to compare two things that are the same.

Comparatives and Superlatives


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