1) Which one is the correct daily routine? a) She is having lunch b) She is having dinner. c) She is having breakfast. 2) Which one is the correct daily routine? a) She brushes her teeth. b) She washes her face and hands. c) She takes a shower. 3) Which one is the correct activity? a) They visit relatives every Sunday. b) They watch TV every evening. c) They always meet with their friends. 4) She often …………. at work.  a) does the cleaning b) does shopping c) runs errands 5) I need to …………… I'm too tired. a) study math. b) take a nap. c) do homework. 6) I think she needs to ……………….. a) have a bath. b) play football. c) comb her hair. 7) What do you think about …………? a) riding a ghost train b) riding the carrousel c) riding the Ferris wheel 8) I like the roller coaster. It is more ……………. than others. a) terrifying b) dull c) exciting 9) Do you like riding a ghost train? a) Yes, I do. I think it is amazing. b) I disagree with you. c) No, I don't. it is terrifying for me.  10) How often do you brush your teeth? a) I always brush my teeth in the mornings. b) I sometimes brush my teeth. c) I never brush my teeth. 11) How do you feel on snowy days? a) I feel amazing and excited on snowy days. b) I feel moody and bored. c) I feel happy on rainy days. 12) Find the correct answer. a) He feels excited on stormy days.  b) He feels scared on stormy days. c) He feels anxious on stormy days. 13) How does she feel? a) She is moody. b) She is shocked. c) She is anxious. 14) What is weather like in Giresun? a) It is stormy. b) It is foggy. c) It is windy. 15) What is the temperature? a) It is -4 Celsius. It is freezing! b) It is cloudy and cool. c) It is very hot and sunny. 16) How do you feel on ……….. days? I feel …………. a) rainy / terrified b) stormy / unhappy c) rainy / sad 17) I think the roller coaster is boring. What do you think? a) I disagree with you. I think it is fun. b) I agree, it is very scary. c) I disagree, it is terrifying. 18) What does he have for breakfast? a) He have cheese, milk and eggs. b) He has bacon and eggs. c) He has eggs and cucumbers. 19) What time is it? a) It is half past one. b) It is quarter past one. c) It is ten past one. 20) What's the time? a) It is twenty to six. b) It is ten to five.  c) It is ten to six.

Daily Routines/Weather/Emotions/Fair 6th Graders


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