1) Is pumpkin a fruit or vegetable? a) a fruit b) a vegetable c) a candy 2) Halloween is the second busiest holiday after which one? a) New Year's Eve b) St. Valentine's Day c) Christmas 3) What are two other vegetables that have been carved on Halloween? a) cucumbers and tomatoes b) potatoes and turnips c) cabbage 4) In which country did Halloween originate? a) the USA b) Australia c) Ireland 5) Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on Oct. 31? a) Mexico b) Brazil c) China 6) Out of which vegetable were Jack O’ Lanterns originally made? a) a pumkin b) a turnip c) an eggplant 7) Which Catholic Church holiday is Halloween connected with? a) Christmas b) Easter c) All Saints (Hallows) Day 8) According to superstition, if you look at a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see? a) your face b) your future husband or wife c) your past 9) Pumpkins can be orange, white, green, or what other color? a) purple b) black c) blue d) silver 10) What do Halloween colors, black and orange, mean? a) black - black cats b) black - death c) orange - autumn leaves d) orange - pumpkin harvest 11) What type of vegetable is disliked by vampires and is used to frighten them away? a) carrots b) parsley c) garlic 12) What animal can fly and is associated with Halloween? a) a black swan b) a bat c) a flying squirrel 13) In Halloween, what does seeing a spider mean? a) good luck b) a problem c) money

Halloween Trivia Questions


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