1) Manuel / bed a) These is Manuel's bed b) This is Manuel's bed c) This is Manuel' bed d) These are Manuel's bed e) These are Manuel' bed f) This are Manuel's bed 2) Teachers / pens a) These are teachers' pens. b) These is teachers' pens. c) These are teacher's pens. d) This is teachers' pens. e) That is teachers' pens. f) This are teachers' pens. 3) my boyfriend / car a) These are my boyfriend's car b) These is my boyfriend's car c) That are my boyfriend's car d) Those is my boyfriend's car e) This are my boyfriend's car f) This is my boyfriend's car 4) Eduardo and Lauren / baby a) She is Eduardo and Lauren's baby. b) They are Eduardo and Lauren's baby. c) She is Eduardo and Lauren' baby. d) We are Eduardo and Lauren's baby. e) She are Eduardo and Lauren's baby. f) She is Eduardo and laurens' baby 5) Manuel / can of soda a) It is Manuels' can of soda. b) It are Manuels' can of soda. c) It is Manuel's can of soda. d) They are Manuels' can of soda. e) These are Manuel's can of soda. f) Those are Manuels' can of soda. 6) My brothers / computer a) Those are my brothers's computer. b) This is my brothers's computer. c) They is my brothers's computer. d) It is my brothers' computer. e) They are my brothers's computer. f) This is my brothers's computers. 7) your sister / desks. a) They is your sisters' desks. b) Those is your sister's desks. c) This is your sister's desks. d) That is your sisters's desks. e) They are your sisters' desk. f) This is your sisters's desks. 8) Michael / bike. a) These is Michael's bike. b) This is Michael's bike. c) Those is Michael's bike. d) Those are Michael's bike. e) This is Michaels' bike. f) It are Michael's bike. 9) Karola / her school. a) That are karola's her school. b) It is karolas' her school. c) This are karola's her school. d) These are karola's her school. e) Those are karola's her school. f) It is karola's her school. 10) My parents / televison. a) These are my parents' television. b) These are my parent's television. c) This is my parents' television. d) Those are my parents' television. e) That are my parents' television. f) This are my parents' television.



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